Here we go again, off to our true and trusted paed.
Mathilde woke up with yellow, gunky eyes this morning. She could still open them so I guess thats a good sign. Followed by what sounded like an allergy caused cough - yes, I do consider myself quite the expert after 6 years of this malarky!!
We arrived on time and had a little wait, just enough to have a weigh in.
Confirmed, she has all of the above, so we collect all the meds that go with it. The pharmacist always jokes about how much I contribute to their well being and always invites my girls into the back and gives them a stash of sweeties. I think she tries to compensate a little to make me feel better about leaving a hugh amount each time.
I don't mind.
Their dr is always there, always takes the time and is a great doctor.
Moving to a new country every few years, this is always my number one priority - find a good doctor. If you don't and you have kids, you're officially screwed and your life won't get any easier.
Also no long cues at the pharmacy with a sick kid in tow. Here in Hong Kong the doctors office give you the meds directly. They have a pharmacist and she deals with you one on one. Ah pure bliss.
In the waiting room when we came out there was another little girl with red, swollen eyes. My guess.... a really bad conjunctivitis. Poor thing, she kept rubbing and rubbing. Luckily we've dodged this one.
I find that with Mathilde I'll quite easily let things ride out a bit. Not like with Olivia, I was at Dr Ranchod (her dr in south africa) every other week.
But some things are worth nipping in the bud. Luckily us mamas with our few years of experience and knowing our kids know when its time to get them to the dr!
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