A trip to Dr Chow with a shot of antibiotics left us with a zombie like little girl. Delirious from the high fever that would spike like it was nobodies business. The excited little girls that we always see before heading off to the airport were nowhere to be seen. Olivia was worried about her little sister and to tell you the truth, so was I.
But long story short, we made it. She had no fever, it was all kept under control with numerous doses of paracetemol and neurofen.
We were the med pumping parents. You know the kind you never want to sit next to if you have kids yourself!
With a sigh of relief we finally arrived. But what the hell.... 16 degrees. It was so cold, grey and wet. Luckily that only lasted a day or two. Up side to the cold weather was that there were still cherries on the trees and lots of them!
So what do you do when you can't eat any more cherries? You preserve them. We made cherry jam, cherries au sirop and a french holiday wouldn't be complete without the famous cherry clafouti.
I even had my little helpers. Olivia cut the cherry stems and then placed them in the jars with a spoon or two of sugar.
Mathilde couldn't get enough of opening a door and being outside. Freedom at its greatest in an enormous garden with fruits and flowers to pick and kittens to chase .
This cherry tree is ideally placed, right next to the climbing frame. Or should I say the climbing frame is ideally placed. The cherry branches heavy with fruits offer easy access to little girls with a big appetite.