25 October 2010


Yes, the title says it all!! Our little M started with a fever last week. So off to Dr Monday. Here in Hong Kong , unlike the drs I've been to in France, everything is so kiddie friendly. There's a friendly , brightly coloured waiting room full of toys to keep your sick little ones entertained and mabe also pick up something they don't already have.
So 1 nasal swab later, its not the influenza A - which is apparently going around - phew!! So now proberly just a viral infection .
Day 2 no fever but day 3 fever whole day. Suppos every 4 and 8 hours, my tired and sore bummed little girl is a real grump!! Phoned dr to make another appointment for thursday because Typhoon Megi was fast approaching and predicted to hit Hong Kong Friday. Wednesday night she starts vomiting and you who have kids, know the rest.....
Finally Thursday came after a long sleepless nights and numerous sheet changing episodes. Gave her the anti vomiting medicine but it doesn't work. Arrive at Dr, conclusion gastro collect different anti vomiting meds and I think I need to have shares in this practice!! I thought south africa was expensive when it came to medical care but Hong Kong is the cherry on the top and a bitter one at that!!
All of us moms know the drill for fever ,vomiting , coughing  but when it happens you still always have a doubt, well i do anyway!!
So we try the new meds work a little but she still vomits, so that night at 11 off to hospital I go because I don't see her getting any better.
Saw the dr that was on duty said 'ah she's not seriously dehydrated, you can take her home and carry on with meds ' hello, did you not listen to anything i just told you!! I told him that i don't want to take her home, just to bring her back tomorrow am in an even worse state. So OK, admitted to hospital. No private rooms available in paediatric ward, only double room. So I ask if possible to have a private room in another ward? When M was hospitalised in May, they had no rooms available in paeds so put us in post op ward - which was great, no screaming kids, no thoughts of catching whatever the other kids have. So we got the exact same room as last time, even the nurses remebered her, but please lets not make this a habit!!
They put numbing cream on her hands and we wait 1 hr. Afterwards go to paed ward where they'll set up the drip and i think to myself, boy am i glad we're not here after seeing and hearing all those poor little kids. So my poor little girl is layed down, then all of a sudden out of nowhere all these nurses come in and each one has there place - makes me think of tiny little ants!! They ask me to wait outside but I tell them no I'm staying. M who's been sleepy the whole day uses her last bit of energy to cry and show that she's not happy! I calm her best i can and everything goes into place no problems at all and yes, I'm relieved !! I was expecting screams of terror because when olivia was almost 2 she was admitted to olivedale in joburg for a gastro and put on the drip and i can still hear her screams and see her little face with a look of  'what are you doing, mama do something!!!'
So off to our room where we sleep until 6 o'clock.
So Alex takes off work to see to Olivia then when he picks her up from school they come to visit.Mathilde isn't vomiting but is still very weak and not eating or drinking but was happy to see her papa and sister!! We finally left the hospital Saturday night and were both so happy to get home. Today is Tuesday and she's eating and drinking but still tired. Have a Halloween party on Friday for olivia and her friends so trying to persuade hubby to take afternoon off work to help out!! So happy all this is behind us, until next time that is!!

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