Last week-end I called in the babysitters (AKA grandma and grandad) to take care of the girls while Alex and myself went to watch a movie. Its just 5 minutes up the road but as we stepped out of the lobby, we were greeted with torrential rain. So into a taxi we hopped.
Its been years since I've been to watch a movie.The last time it was Happy Feet with our little Olivia. Alex has taken Olivia quite a few times here in Hong Kong. I prefer not to go as I um, fall asleep!!
We watched Pirates of the Carribean .... and yes, I dosed off. But only until a big bang woke me. So I made it through and only catnapped twice, not bad!!
Alex asked if I fell asleep as he knows how it goes. Told him yes, he didn't notice and we had a good chuckle.
Sunday came, invited my parents for lunch , then the plan was for Alex and myself to hit the streets and just have some us time.
As I'm sure many of you know, when you plan some alone time and you have kids, they quite often get SICK!
Olivia didn't want to eat and fell asleep before lunch which sent alarm bells ringing. Took her temperature and... fever.
Monday, no school and off to the doctor we trot as she had fever the whole night with bouts of coughing. When she's like that, I don't wait it out as she normally ends up worse for wear!
Verdict.... she has bronchitis.
Monday night, Mathilde starts with... fever!! So its meds every 4 to 8 hours. After tossing and turning and a few turns of musical beds, the night is finally over!
Mathilde has full blown tonsilitis and is so sore, I feel so sorry for her. She's still eating and takes her meds no problem which is always a good sign.
I was just saying how we hadn't been to the dr in a whole month, which is a record and there I went and jinxed it!! We got to see our dr Chows new office twice this week. She recently moved there and I was thinking that she proberly thinks that we've desserted her or left Hong Kong as I'm always at her office.
And as you guessed our plans of being 'childless' for a few hours turned into a week of clingy and grumpy girls.
Topped off with sleepless nights, musical beds, phlegm vomiting and extra clinginess.
So thank heavens this week is coming to an end. I now have happy faces and quiet nights and no more fever. Everyone seems to be on the mend.
So to celebrate that, we went out this afternoon to fly our kites.
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