Saturday morning while out getting Olivia some new Birkies, another tooth fell out. She was eating a chocolate ( I always tell her too much choco will make her teeth fall out ) and next thing she gets all hysterical. Mathilde just sat there staring at her and a few locals too. Its not her first tooth, so I know the drill. She asks for a tissue and keeps asking me if nothing will get stuck in the new available gap in her mouth.
I assure her that no, everything will be alright and remind her that tonight the tooth fairy will be stopping by our house.
Her reply was, ah good now I can get my magic wand, so I tell her that the tooth fairy doesn't bring gifts as I don't want a dissapointed and toothless little girl in the morning.
Luckily we managed to get her shoes without her thinking too much about it but she didn't want to go for lunch so it was back home to eat.
Later that evening they were playing with the tooth- gross I know - and Olivia gave it to Mathilde and off she went. A minute later Olivia starts shouting ' where's my tooth?, Where's my tooth? ''
Mathilde answers 'I don't know!'
I think, Oh crap!!
So now the hunt is on for this tiny tooth, it could be anywhere. The lighting in our house is worse than pathetic and makes the task of finding this tiny, tiny tooth even more of a mission.
Mathilde keeps apologising and saying she didn't mean to do it, it was a mistake but Olivia isn't impressed. So after about 30 minutes, she decides to write a note to the tooth fairy. I tell her that the fairy will proberly find it anyway.
Things are calm but then they both decide to take their flash lights and look again. Next thing Mathilde shouts, I want my bead, I want my bead, so my dad bends down and reaches far under the couch and yes, you guessed it, it was the tooth. Everyone was so happy and Mathilde was so proud that she found her sisters tooth!!
Olivia quickly took it and placed it under her pillow, safe and sound!
I remember when she was a baby and I loved looking at her big gummy smiles. I loved them and actually dreaded the teeth coming as I thought it would change how she looked and those big beaming gums!
Then she got her ever so cute and tiny, whiter that white milk teeth. I loved those too!! Now the cute milk teeth have been replaced by big, gorky teeth that look so out of place in her tiny mouth. But like everything else we get used to seeing them and its as if she's always been like that. Just another sign that my little girl is not so little anymore.
Sunday we went shopping as it was bucketing down. Bought gifts for everyone back in France so atleast that is done.
The girls were starving, so for lunch we quickly went to Pizza Express in the IFC shopping mall. Its got the beautiful harbour view, it light and airy. The lady askes if we have a reservation, we reply no. She asks if we can be finished for 12:30. Yes of course we can , so she leads us to our table. She brings the girls some lovely books with sticker activities ( a first I've seen in Hong Kong). Already I'm liking this place a lot!!! Taking care of little people is not difficult and they've got it just right.
There's the kiddies menu and what a bargain. A pizza or pasta dish, a choice of 3 fresh fruit juices, dessert (vanilla ice cream or a slice of choco fudge cake or lots of warm dough balls with a little pot of nuttella to dip) and a cute baby bambinocinno with a few mini biscuits - cute and tiny, just what little girls love!!
The girls thouroughly enjoyed themselves and ate quite a lot.
We left with 2 happy, full tummied little girls. The next day they wanted to go back, so we'll be returning soon!!
It seems that the rainy season has finally shown its water drenching face , so I guess we'll be spending more time indoors. Luckily we're off soon, to enjoy some sunshine in the south of France.
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