20 September 2011

Gingerbread boys or girls.

Hands up if you like gingerbread men .

I don't know any kids that don't like them. I know for certain that my girls love them.

When we lived in South Africa every week-end we'd take the 5 minute drive to Fournos bakery in Fourways. We'd stock up on croissants and Olivia would take 2 gingerbread men.
The smartie buttons were always the first to go along with the sickly sweet icing.

Here in Hong Kong, its a little different. We make our own. OK, there's also a great bakery in Stanley  called Saffron, that make little gingerbread boys or girls. They also have my girls stamp of approval.

We made a batch last week and as always, they didn't disappoint. The girls helped with the fragrant cookie dough. Mathilde stuck her finger in the ground ginger pot and licked it. Shrieks filled the whole of our apartment  - but she won't be doing that again any time soon! They were both a sticky mess from spooning spoonfuls of honey and depleting my stash.

The dough was disappearing fast from tiny hands sneaking bits here and there.
But finely I cooked and cooled a whole lot of these little rascals.

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