Warning this post is not for the faint hearted eg, if you don't already have kids, therefore never been subject to most of these yuckies, turn away now!
Rushing into ER with puke bag in one hand and a grumpy babe in the other, snotty noses and the never ending production of green, white or clear flying snot. Vomiting. Diarrhea and vomiting.
Need I say more?
I'm just going to touch on childhood and all the ailments that hail with it. Oh boy is there some hailing!!
Kids and all the goriness that comes with them or ... them with it?
Firstly, the 'ailments' always start on a week-end, early evening (just to get you all hot and bothered for a rough night ) or during public holidays where your otherwise loving (because of how you contribute to her well-being) paed, is on holiday.
Lucky for me, I have her cell number, direct dial and incase of emergencies, she can calm my nerves and then see to my little girls.
Not so long ago, on a public holiday of course, Alex called to me from the bathroom 'Mathilde a des vers!!!
'Mathilde has worms!!
Me, rushing to the bathroom 'What, are you serious?'
As I got to the bathroom, he shoved the removable part of her pot towards me and there I saw them.
Wriggling, thin, thread-like white worms.
WTF? Get a grip!!
Mathilde is totally horrified at our discovery and has a worried look on her face. Seeing my mortified look when I looked at those little buggers proberly didn't help.
It's a Public holiday so I can't rush off to my paed in shining armour to fend of these nasties. So its off to the Canossa hospital (where we are regulars ), the nuns great us with a smile and tell say they remember us and how the little one has grown.
I think , well she would be growing more if she didn't have these gross little things doing the jig in her little belly!!
The dr asked 'so how can I help today?' He's proberly expecting the ever so common, coughing and fever, but no, not this little patient.
She has worms!
His eyes widened, yes, they widened!!
Him : 'How do you know?'
I was thinking, well there's no easy way of putting this, so just get it out.
Me : " I saw them when she went to the toilet"
He asked if she had the itchy bum syndrome, which she didn't.
So my new take on this is don't always wait for an itchy bum to check their poo.
No restless nights and no complaining of a sore tummy. None at all.
So after giving him a brief description of what I saw, his conclusion was..... pinworms.
Apparently not something they see often, but quite common. Kids scratch their bums, the eggs go under their nails and then they spread from dirty little hand to dirty little hand.
I'd never seen them before and I must admit they sent me into a tizz!!
I asked him to prescribe meds for the whole family.
At home, it was strip all beds, dressing gowns and any clothes that had been in touch with Mathilde's little tushy and put them on a very hot wash with some tea tree essential oils.
One week later, I went to her doctor to ask her about the worms and if I should use the other tablet the dr gave for a week later. She advised me to hold on the tablet as they are quite strong and if not needed, its better not to take.
So every other day, I make her use her pot and not the big toilet so that, well you know what.....
And so far, so good!!
Like I said, nerves of steel and a stomach of steel to go with them. That to me these are the quintessential qualities needed for us mamas.
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