6 January 2011

Should I stay or should I go??

Here in Hong Kong people are always coming and going. We arrived here in August 2009. We visited about 6 places and decided on the last one  here in Pokfulam. Lots of other people we know visited way more but in 36° and 98% humidity and lets not forget the jetlagged 4 yr old and hungry 6 month they kicked our butts and the agents into gear!!  We're not far from the city, have full see view one side and look out onto a green mountain on the other. Hubby could walk to work, just 10 min up the road, it was ideal.
 So why are we looking to move you ask.
Well, hubby has recently changed sites and is 1 hr away from home. He's been going back and forth for about 4 months now and has had enough!
Next year our rent will also go up by about 5000hkd so we'll be over budget so may as well start to look now.
Went to Kwoloon and visited 3 different buildings, skyscraper infront of skyscraper but thats how it is here.
Also looking on Hong Kong Island but just need to be close to a MTR and have bus access to french school.
Because rentals go up yearly , we have to move to find somewhere within budget. Its been 15 years we've been doing this and never has that been the case. The company regulations are different here and I guess you can't blame them otherwise they'd be paying one hell of an amount after 3 - 4 years.

Criteria are...
1 ) No smaller than what we have now 1400sf .
2 ) Pool and club house for the girls.
3) Dish washer ... not all places have. Seen some gorgeous places but no space to put one!!
4) Fairly new

If we went over to the NT we could have a 2000 sf and it would still be under budget but for now I'm still looking to stay on the Island.
But mabe next week that will change.

One thing's for sure is that when we do go back to France and go 'home' we'll appreciate all the space we have and our own garden.

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