8 June 2011

Nothing like pancakes to get the day started!

This morning, a little earlier than I would have liked, a little girl climbed into bed with me and snuggled under. She's on holiday again for 3 days. So this morning its not the mad rush and asking  ' have you brushed your teeth?  Brush your hair, is your snack in your bag? Get dressed and put your pj's in your room.

Today she requested pancakes with cinnamon and sugar.  Its been a while since I last made pancakes. When I say a while I mean more than 2 weeks. When she was younger pancakes were the only things she would really eat and actually look like she was enjoying it.  Topped with Nutella, cinnamon and sugar, honey , sugar and lemon juice and even spread with Kiri cheese.

So for the past 5 years I haven't hesitated to whip out the pan and mix up a batch of pancake batter. For me its just as easy as pouring some cereal into bowl.

Quite often while I'm cooking her pancakes I think about how 'lucky' she is to have pancakes whenever she requests. When I was younger the only time we really had pancakes was on Shrove Tuesday or pancake day as we called it. My dad would always make them and we only topped them with lemon juice and sugar.
The cinnamon and sugar she got from me from the many school sports days in South Africa, where the pancakes are cooked in front of you and spinkled with a cinnamon and sugar mix and wrapped in a paper napkin.

But as the day evolved, I knew I was going to need a little more that pancakes to get me through it!!!

Mathilde woke up a lot later and didn't want any breakfast. Then the first vomiting session started, and it didn't seem to stop until about lunch time. The anti vomiting meds did nothting, but then again with Mathilde, they never work.
 I phoned her paed and she told me that because of the amount of times she's already vomitted and with the Norovirus doing its rounds, that it would be best to go to the hospital.

They made the necessary arrangements and I just had to go and choose my type of room. They asked me if I wanted a first or second class room?? You only see that here, as they love to show off their social status. I mean, its private, semi-private or ward where I come from.

Once in our room, Mathilde calms down. The nurses put on her numbing cream for when they place the IV. Her paed pops in , checks her out and gives us a special visit. This is why I love this doctor, she always makes herself available to see to my little babies!! Sure she's getting paid for it, but I know that there are many doctors out there who couldn't care less and wouldn't bother.

So after 1 night and 2 days in hospital she's doing much better. Olivia was a home because as always they always get sick when its holidays.
Hubby went to work later and came home early afternoon and my mom stayed with Olivia in the day.

Its always a great relief to have everyone back at home, happy and heathly. There's nothing worse than having your children sick. Wait ...when they have to be admitted to hospital because they are sick is the worst.

I had planned to take the girls on the Star  Ferry on Thursday but after Mathilde started vomitting, I knew that wasn't going to happen. She kept asking to go on the 'Tar perry' as she says, so Saturday we decided to take them across to TST (Tsim Sha Tsui).

We all enjoyed it. A little sea air, some retail theraphy and lunch out. Perfect.

Alex has 3 days off, which is rare. So he's looking forward to spending all his time with his girls.

That night, Olivia skyped her best friend Kyle and they chatted for almost 3 hours. It was if he was here to play only minus all the mess. She had so much fun and so misses him. They are leaving for Miami soon, so Olivia is sad that he won't be coming here.

Now roll on July , when we'll be spending 3 weeks in France. Time for Alex to have some  ever so needed time with me and the girls and just to relax and take in some fresh air.
Oh, and lets not forget....to visit our house .

Allez, vive les vacances!!!!

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