30 September 2011


Yesterday typhoon Nesat swept past Hong Kong. It brought with it torrential downpours and howling wind storms.

Typhoon 8 was declared at about 4:30 am on Thursday morning - I know this because hubby had phone calls non-stop for him to shut down his site.
When T8 is in force, there is no school or work for anyone. It was going to be a long day. Being confined to our little flat you have to  occupy these little monsters. Mathilde was happy colouring and she coloured quite nicely, normally she has no patience and just ends up scribbling all over the page.

Olivia made some courgette cornbread with me.

We read lots of books and played eye spy with my little eye.  Mathilde was the best.... 'eye spy with my little eye something beginning with H' after we whipped out all our words with H, she replied 'no, sunflower'.

T1 - warnings but you can still venture out.
T3 - windy. Olivia can still go to school but preschoolers like Mathilde can't. People still go to work.
T8 - no school, no work and you are advised to stay indoors as not to receive any falling objects on the head.
Early Thursday morning the winds were howling and whistling through every crack and gap in our apartment. I always hope that these apartment blocks don't blow over - heaven only knows how these things were built.

Back to normal for everyone on Friday and a wee break to recover for me just before we tackle yet another week-end.

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