5 March 2012

Pitter patter!!

We've always wanted three children. Well, since I was pregnant, I knew I wanted more and hubby has always wanted more.
When everyone is happy and heathy, its easy to get caught up in the ok, lets do it,  moment.  And the same goes for when everyone is sick and you're doing the night shift making sure fevers are down. And you think 'hell no!! No more'

Olivia, who is our first was a fairly easy baby. We lived in Switzerland and being away from family and friends and hubby only getting home late, it was just the two of us. Although she was easy going, I remember, on more days than one that as soon as  hubby came through the door,  I'd literally plop her into his arms and breathe a sigh of relief. Its physically and emotionally draining being the only one doing it all from morning 'til night.

It was hard. There's no doubt about it. No sugar coating here. Sure we all love our new borns but no-one prepares you for what you're about to go through.
Yes, there's the cute smiles, first girgles, all the milestone - check.

But with that comes the other so-called 'joys' of parenthood.

Sleepless nights, feeding every hour or so.

Nappy changing in the middle of the night and if you're lucky, whole pj changing because poo has either leaked from the legs or shot right up their backs.

Having breakfast for lunch and dinner well, yes dinner.

Consider yourself lucky to get a wash, brush your teeth and hair and out of your pj's before 12 o'clock.

Being able to go to the loo whenever you want and alone, the alone part gets worse as they get older!

Sore, leaking boobs.

Sleepless nights.

Feeling like a zombie during the day and did I mention complete lack of sleep, yip, I think I did. But that is what did me in! The lack of sleep.

But then we go and do it all again.
Yes, we do.
And..... I will.

We had Mathilde, our second when Olivia had just turned 4.
Before that,  I, WE DID NOT FEEL READY!!!

Having a second baby was nothing like the first. You're calmer and cooler. You already have your routine with the older one. She goes off to school, baby gets dragged along to school, extra  curricular activities, birthday parties you name it. You've been through the trips to the er, high fever and you try to deal with them in a calmer manner. No more rushing off to the paed for everything little thing.

As my mom so eloquently puts it.... she gets dragged up.
She was super easy, or maybe I just wasn't fretting so much.

Olivia has always been a great big sister and loves her little Mathilde. I was really worried about how she would react to her.
We always worry if the eldest will accept the new addition, if they'll feel left out?
That morning Alex went to get her to bring her to the hospital to see her little baby sister . She was mesmerised and asked all the usual questions, not many of them baby related. Whats that in your hand ( the drip ), why is she always asleep, when will you be home?
She then looked at me and said OK, we can go now! I said no your sister has to come with us. She replied ' No, she can just stay here'.
Well after that we thought we were in for a real trying time but.....no, not at all.

They get a long like a house on fire but sometimes, like with all siblings I have to step in and keep the roaring fire under control. Just keep the coals going and no flaring up!!

When Mathilde was smaller, we said we would try for another brother or sister a little earlier this time, seeing that it wasn't 'so' bad and all. It was surprisingly easy.
Easy in the sense of dealing with two children as opposed to one. Don't get me wrong, being a parent is by no ways easy. I have days where I just want to run away and scream!! But that's another topic.

The thing is, I know that this one will proberly be our last.

So the thought and excitement of maybe never being able to say ' Ok lets make a baby' , feeling pregnant and going through the  pregnancy and actually bringing your little baby into the world again, to me, is a pretty sad and grim feeling.
The moment they are born and put onto your tummy for them to scamper up is just amazing. Tears of joy and the immense love you feel is just indescribable.

And then there's your partner.
Mine was amazing. He was so in control and calmed me many a time. I couldn't have done it without him! Sure its not him who has to get that wee one out, but then again we all we know that. But him being present and there for you makes all the difference!!

So yes, baby fever has officially struck the Leclercs!! Even the girls are talking about having a baby in the house.
Its all so exciting, don't you think??

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